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Author Topic: AMG 06--Montreal Quebec Canada--August 18 - 20, 2006  (Read 17823 times)

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AMG 06--Montreal Quebec Canada--August 18 - 20, 2006
« on: May 31, 2006, 05:41:42 pm »

Update: #13

PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS THREAD TO ASK QUESTIONS, MAKE SUGGESTIONS, OR COMMENTS--please start new threads for those purposes. The reason being, this thread could get so long that members with dial-up would never be able to open it.

Welcome everyone to the unofficially official information post for AMG 06. There will of course be many threads and many discussions as the events for Montreal begin to be planned. This post will be edited and updated as those plans become finalized and you guys/gals let us know what you want. This means members will not have to search multiple threads and posts to figure out what is going on. You will want to check this post often as the event draws near and more plans are finalized. If you are visiting this Forums Gathering Forum for the first time, we strongly encourage you to check out all the threads. There have been two previous gatherings, one in Toronto and one in Nashville. Each and every person who attended will attest to how much fun, how enriching, and how truly wonderful they have been. So, if you are considering joining us in Montreal, don't be shy--you'll have the time of your life!

<<<<<< A M G  0 6>>>>>>


Montreal, Quebec, Canada


August 18, 19, & 20.


Gouverneur Hotel Place Dupuis -- Montreal
1415 Saint-Hubert Street
Montreal QC H2L 3Y9

The current "rate of the day" can be found on the hotel's web site linked below.

Reservations #: U.S. and Canada 1-888-910-1111 / Overseas 514-842-4881

Reservations can also be booked on-line.

Hotel Web Site--Click Here

**Attendee Census**

This year's attendees are coming from 3 continents, 5 countries (including 2 Canadian Provinces and 19 U.S. states). (As of 5-18-06)

**Social Events/Outings/Planned Activities**

Additional information will include things like our now famous "MEET & GREET", & "Pub Crawl", organized nightly get togethers, options for daily outings that some may elect to do, possible presentation by Tim Horn, etc. Everything, once you guys agree on it, will be posted here. Anyone who wants to be a part of making this happen, we encourage you to start a thread and get a discussion going. We intend to leave things pretty informal, allowing members to do as they please, but we will use this post to notify all of you as to what events you can consider.



Arrival and check-in throughout the day.

***Pub Crawl***

Time:  "7 or 8 ish"  (TBA)

Place:  Depart from hotel lobby

Guided by:  Lisa and David NC

This romp is our first night together and serves as a sort of ice breaker.  It also gives us a chance to explore and get a feel for the neighborhood we'll call home for the next 5 days. 


***Visit to Hope Chapel***

Time:  10:00 a.m.  (Leave from hotel lobby at 9:30 a.m.)

Place:  The Saint-Pierre-Apôtre church, built in 1851 and first work of architect Victor Bourgeau, hosts the Chapel of Hope, the only chapel in the world dedicated to victims of AIDS.

***Ric & Thom's Exchange of Vows***

Time: 4:00 pm

Location:  Gouverneur Hotel Place Dupuis
               Longueuil Room
(Added to schedule with permission of couple)

***Meet & Greet***

Time:  6:00 p.m. Hors d'oeuvres Hosted by Ric & Thom

          7:00 p.m. Dinner

Location:  "Bourbon Hotel"

1578 rue Sainte Catherine Est
Montreal, QC
H2L 2J2
(514)523-4679 Reservations 1(800)268-4679
3rd Floor Reception Room


***Tim Horn Presents an Educational Workshop***
               **Hosted by AIDSMeds.com**

Time:  Coffee Service @ 9:00 a.m.
          Presentation begins at 9:30 a.m.

Location: Gouverneur Hotel Place Dupuis
              Rimouski Conference Room
              4th Floor
              Coffee Service Provided

Coming direct from the International Aids Conference in Toronto
Tim will talk about the last 10 years of HAART--where we are now--and what the next 10 years may have in store

***Montreal Sight Seeing***

Time:  All afternoon

***Saturday Social Hour***

Time:  6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Location:  Gouverneur Hotel Place Dupuis
               Lobby Bar

This get together will be a social hour allowing members to regroup after their free afternoon touring Montreal. We can relax, unwind, catch-up and reconnect with one another.  From here members can decide on dinner options and plans for later in the evening. 


***Quebec City Day Trip***

Time:  Meet in hotel lobby @ 9:30 a.m./Depart at 10:00 a.m.
          Return:  5:30 p.m.

Cost:  Transportation cost (including van rental & fuel)--Approximately $20.00 - $25.00 (CDN) per person.

Photo Tour of Quebec City--Click Herel

Information on Quebec City--Click Here

La Citadelle du Quebec--Click Here

***Sunday Social Hour***

Time:  6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Location:  Hotel Gouverneur Place Dupuis
               Lobby Bar

For those members who opted not to make the day trip to Quebec City, this will be their chance to regroup and reconnect just like the Saturday evening event.  From there they can make decisions about dinner and additional plans for the evening.


**Montreal/Quebec Tourism Information Links**

Great Site With General Information About Montreal--Click Here

Tourism Montreal--Click Here

Official Quebec Government Tourism Site--Click Here

Roller Coaster Freaks--Click Here

Map Of Montreal (area around hotel pg 5)--Click Here

Current Montreal Weather--Click Here

**Grants Committee**

There is a committee of forum members serving as the Grants Committee to help those who may not be able to attend without some financial assistance. If you would like to be a part of making that happen (and it would be a very worthwhile gesture) please send a private message to any of these user names: Grants Committee, Jody, Killfoile, and Trish.

Update:  Detailed information on their financial transactions can be found by:  Clicking Here

**Information On Rules For Entering Canada**

While not an official government web site it includes an easy to read guide for members who will be attending from around the world.

Click Here

**T-Shirt Design and Information**

Cost = $15.00 (US)

The design and coordination of this project is being done by Oscar/Dan and John/Kcmetroman.  They have done a fantastic job in bringing this together.

Order Deadline:  CLOSED ON JUNE 30TH.

To View The AMG 06 T-Shirt Design--Click Here

Edited on 6-20 to include name of conference room for Tim Horn's presentation.
Edited on 7-7 to push back start time of Tim's presentation on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Edited on 7-27 to change departure time for Quebec City day trip and announce approximate cost.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 05:28:43 pm by iana5252 »


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