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Author Topic: Finally…. A therapist  (Read 7446 times)

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Offline numbersguy82

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Finally…. A therapist
« on: January 26, 2024, 03:02:01 pm »
So I have struggled to find a talk therapist since I moved to Boston in 2021. Back in Dec of 2022,  I went on a wait list with several organizations and …. This week my number was finally called!

The organization is out of Georgia so unfortunately they only offer telehealth. I have an intake next week to narrow down my actual provider. My therapist for years, back in Fort Lauderdale, will be a tough act to follow. She was in her 70s, preferred dogs to humans, and her office was filled with hundreds of toy llamas and alpacas.

Fingers crossed on just such an eccentric that can handle all of this crazy!

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Finally…. A therapist
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2024, 03:18:48 pm »

                 ojo.            I will be crossing my fingers even my toes, and if that isn’t enough, I would cross my legs too, so you can find the right help. I think that I missed why you need such a help. In an event, I will be thinking of you, and I wish you the best. ….hugs

Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Finally…. A therapist
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2024, 03:29:08 pm »

                 ojo.            I will be crossing my fingers even my toes, and if that isn’t enough, I would cross my legs too, so you can find the right help. I think that I missed why you need such a help. In an event, I will be thinking of you, and I wish you the best. ….hugs

I appreciate all of those crossings Tonny lol! You have more than ensured all will go smoothly!

I go to talk therapy for mental illness. I’ve been riding the Bipolar express since 2014ish. I’ve been institutionalized a handful of times, a few for more than a month. I’ve attempted suicide more times than I can count, and a few times I ended up hospitalized.

Now I just try to equip myself with all the armor I can to battle my demons ie: psychiatrist, therapist, a peer sponsor, and now our biweekly peer support calls and these forums. It takes an army 😅

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Finally…. A therapist
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2024, 05:50:25 pm »

                     ojo.              OMG!!,
I am so sorry to hear about here situation and I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to meet you guys on your biweekly support. If I can help you by talking to someone feel free to send me a private message. I’m no psychiatrist nor psychologist. but maybe talking with someone else will help. I must confess I don’t know anything or anyone who is bipolar although my brother-in-law sometime, I think that he’s bipolar. Lol… seriously I can be there for you, sometimes difficult for me to post or reply because I use dictation on my cell phone and then I have they sell fun to read what he typed and if I see a typo and I tried to correct it it becomes a mess, and believe me, I do get frustrated. But anyway, I wish you the best, and I am so sorry that you had to deal with Sasha situation, specially when you had attempted suicide, that must be terrible for your family and for you… i’ll be thinking of you…hugs gs

Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Finally…. A therapist
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2024, 06:52:29 pm »
Thank you Tonny for being so supportive, and willing to be available. Thankfully bipolar is simply a chemical imbalance. So long as I take my medicine, and it’s working, I will be just fine. The talk therapy serves dual purposes by helping me unpack some of the things I’ve done while “spinning” out during my manic episodes, and also to allow an independent person to evaluate my current mood and raise any red flags. They might be the first to recognize when something isn’t right.

Sometimes I wish I was as passionate about my hiv treatment as I am my mental health. I guess I feel like the mental health could kill me much more quickly than HIV ever could.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Finally…. A therapist
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2024, 09:06:08 pm »

          ojo.             Well, we are going to be here for you, and hopefully you will die of  old age.. so keep taking your medication for your mental issue as well as your vitamin as i call my HIV medication. I know that is difficult to deal with a mental illness but like I said, we are here for you…hugs


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