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Forums Gatherings / Re: Thursday 19th Sept. Peer support call - Fitness« Last post by Jim Allen on Today at 02:36:35 am »I'll send out invites later today, if you have not signed up yet and want to join let me know.
Vivir con el VIH / Re: LA ESPERANZA MUERE AL ULTIMO« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:19:14 pm »ojo. Hola cris Barcelona qué grato saber de ti, me da mucho gusto que salgas de vacaciones a divertirte.… Te mandaré un mensaje privado para saber y me platiques dónde andabas de vacaciones. Recuerda que cuando vaya a Barcelona espero que seas mi guía de turistas porque una, no conozco Barcelona hitos, como estoy medio ciego necesito un brazo que me acompañe… Como ya sabes si me has leído, seguimos aquí dando lata y muchas veces me pongo a pensar en el afortunado, dentro de lo que cabe al ser VIH positivo, que son muchos de ustedes tomando los medicamentos efectivos contra el VIH que no tienen que pasar por lo que pasé yo por lo cual me da mucho gusto porque en aquellos años, como ya les he platicado, hacíamos planes para nuestro funeral y aún así, por alguna razón después de casi 30 años desde mi diagnóstico de sida , yo sigo aquí vivito y coleando más fregado que nada pero vivito y compartiendo mis experiencias con todos ustedes que me sirve a mí también como una manera de echar afuera mis frustraciones porque aunque no lo crean también a veces me siento frustrado ya que, desde que perdí casi toda mi visión , he perdido mi independencia ahora tengo que depender de gente para que me lleve a mis citas médicas, y a todos lados afortunadamente todavía puedo ir al baño yo solo, chascarrillo mexicano… Me da mucho gusto saber de ti cris Barcelona y a seguir echándole para adelante como dirían los cubanos porque la vida sigue porque, hay vida después de un diagnóstico de VIH… Abrazos para ti y para todos los que nos leen y recuerden que si se van de fiesta no olviden ponerse el gorrito. 3
Do I Have HIV? / Re: I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 04:47:51 pm »You're welcome.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jonathan85 on Yesterday at 04:41:16 pm »Well, I don't doubt your knowledge. I've read other articles where you say that a hollow needle doesn't infect, it has to be a syringe with blood and you have to inject a lot. I'll try to get that scary idea out of my head. Thank you very much for helping me.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 04:38:40 pm »Quote I'm thinking maybe the oral device had a hollow needle in it that someone put in it and I pricked myself inside my mouth, am I at risk for HIV? 6
Do I Have HIV? / Re: I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 04:36:20 pm »Asked and answered.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jonathan85 on Yesterday at 04:35:42 pm »Thanks for answering the question, but I'm not talking about whether the test has HIV, I'm talking about whether someone put an infected needle in the HIV test device because my mouth was bleeding so much.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 04:31:28 pm »Hiya,
Read this three times, firstly, the test doesn't contain HIV, it has a manufactured protein that reacts to a solution (chemicals) in the test, it binds to HIV antibodies if present in your sample, this is a processed protein - synthetic if you like, not infectious HIV. Quote I'm thinking maybe the oral device had a hollow needle in it that someone put in it and I pricked myself inside my mouth, am I at risk for HIV? No. Zero HIV risk. Quote A girl and I decided to have sex but before we did we decided to get tested for HIV Great, if you both had a non-reactive result it means you didn't have HIV some months ago, so nice to know but somewhat pointless... Use condoms! Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks: Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV and get vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis A & B. Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs. Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know. Kind regards Jim Please Note. As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed. 9
Do I Have HIV? / I had never thought about things like that« Last post by Jonathan85 on Yesterday at 04:23:31 pm »A girl and I decided to have sex but before we did we decided to get tested for HIV, we bought two saliva tests from the pharmacy (oraquick), she inserted the device in my mouth above my gum and below it, to my surprise my gums started bleeding and I got some bruises on the inside of my cheeks, maybe I bit myself before the HIV test, now I'm thinking maybe the oral device had a hollow needle in it that someone put in it and I pricked myself inside my mouth, am I at risk for HIV? I also read that HIV can live in laboratory conditions, can HIV mixed with the blood thinner they use in the lab live outside the body?
I didn't have sex, but I'm scared to think about the HIV test i had a hollow needle and I pricked myself all over the inside of my mouth. 10
Vivir con el VIH / Re: LA ESPERANZA MUERE AL ULTIMO« Last post by crisbarcelona on Yesterday at 03:03:02 pm »Hola Tonny2
Estuve de vacaciones y ya he vuelto. Todo bien, solo decirte que te leo siempre y me alegro que estes bien y que todo vaya bien con tus controles y tu nuevo ojo Gracias por escribir, dar animos y estar ahí.... un saludo enorme |
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