Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by leatherman on Today at 01:59:14 pm »Thankfully, the hospital is about 10 miles away and I can drive 60mph about 8 of those miles. While living in a small town with a hospital in a nearby city is a lot of driving, it's a lot less stressful than driving 10 miles up in the big city.
In the late afternoon visiting hours in ICU yesterday, I found Larry, not in the bed, but sitting up in a chair. Which is a good step forward. However, he was having a lot of pain. The nurse said well, when they slice you open, crack your ribcage and reach in and touch your heart, there's going to be some pain. LOL The nurses here have been really proficient, caring, busy and funny. By the time, I left Larry was stoned and not really feeling much pain. ROFLMAO
This morning when I went back, he was back sitting in the chair AND he looked so much better, felt better, and 2/3 of all those IV racks were gone. Both he and I even got 7 hours of sleep last night. Oddly enough the SAME 7 hours. LOL He's doing so well, he finally got some real food....well as real as cold hospital-scrambled eggs can be. LOL The doctor is very pleased with his entire progress so far. This afternoon they'll be taking away another IV spot (Lord! there have been like four major IV spots with about a dozen IV bags dripping in him). They also plan to remove all the drainage tubes (yuck). By the time I get back this late afternoon, I might just find him walking the halls for the first time. The plan is to get him back to a regular bed upstairs tomorrow. WooHoo!
my stupid brain isn't as pessimistic today. Yeah!
Even if that damn realist in my brain does mention we're still not out of the woods. It's also pointed out that I will probably feel worried for months about his health. But at least I have more time to worry about him. <3