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Author Topic: A kick in the nuts  (Read 9426 times)

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Offline em

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A kick in the nuts
« on: April 19, 2020, 03:18:37 pm »
A short story I found in a letter wrote about twenty five years ago while the writer was dying from AIDS . with no hope of a future and trying to think what could be worse than this dying young from AIDS . than this story entered his  mind . A kick in the nuts    or better yet

A mule kick  in the nuts   ( remember the title ) you have been warned ! 

this had been written about twenty five years ago and sent it to a friend He  thought they might make them think of the horrors life has to offer . the things that tear your heart out and stomp on it as the life leaves your heartless body the last sight your  eyes behold is the most horrific thing that could possible be  . the last thing you will see is the worst thing possible might be .  give this some thought a moment about life living love and the things that can happen, in the category of the worst possible thing that unfolds .  everyone is someone's child mother father sister or brother. there is always a connection in some way or another . this is a story of just such a connection.  that goes  horrifically wrong and straight for the kill 

Now let me me warn you this is not  for the faint of heart or anyone who easily becomes offended. if you are someone who has a problem with what other people think or write then stop here and do not read this . you have been warned.  if this upsets  then and   if you do not heed this warning do not blame me  all I will do is say I told you so ! . if you feel the need to read this remember forewarned is forearmed .  take care  as you read through this story .  of love tragedy to the outer limits of the twilight zone !

this worldly sailor who has traveled this earth for many years and has seen and had all the pleasures of life experiences  our world has to offer . for many years and has always thought himself to be blessed beyond limit with the life he has led .

then this older wiser man is in a port he has been through  before and as he walks through the street he remembers all the times he has spent here before departing to other places in his globetrotting experiences . then by chance while just seeing what there is to be seen He notices this young beautiful women staring his way .   she walks over to him and she says . I can not help but feel we are connected in some way . like our meeting was meant to be that some higher power has pushed us together and the thought of not doing so would rob the very heart and soul from very center of everything that gives life to our existence . I would be crushed for not telling you this . do you mind if I spend  some time with you ? He looks at this young beautiful woman and thinks thank you god for sharing one of the  most beautiful gifts you have bestowed on this earth into my company .

so they chat and walk spending time together like any who has ever known love might do'

they have diner go out for drinks and dancing . everything any couple in the world might do to allow time to get to know one another .   He tells her this has been one of the best times of my life . but I must leave it has been one of the most wondrous nights of my life and I thank you . How unsailor like behavior you might say ? but he is an old man and this was just so beautiful he did not want ruin it . so she says if this night does not end the way I want it to I feel I will just die inside and through myself from the highest cliff not wanting to spend another moment living without the opportunity to share the highest gifts life has to offer with the one person I feel the most need and desire to have such and experience with .    He tells her I am an old man with HIV and i would not want to the run the risk of taking any chance even  with precautions and safe sex of burdening you  with such things . she says I understand the risk but am willing to take a chance because life is nothing but chances . Any way how do you know I do not already have the same burden . or even another even worse burden that lays undiscovered that might leave yours seemingly insignificant .  life is chances .

so he thinks life is only lived once what  harm can come of this . they find a room to rent for the night and spend a blissful night engaging in all the carnal relations and worldly romances has to offer .

then in the morning waking in each others arms .  at this point in the story a road sign appears with a warning that says stop here danger ahead do not continue . the rest of the story you really do not want to know . and ask yourself why the title a mule kick to the nuts ?   if you continue on at your own peril .  if you dare to read on and do not heed the warning .  then who do you have to blame ? this was written about twenty five years ago . when the writer who had written this was dying from AIDS . he gave some thought to what on earth could possibly be worse than this ? this story enter his mind late at night thinking o this might be an experience of something worse than death from AIDS. remember this  while you pass judgement on what was this writer thinking ? 

as the morning light fills the room . the love only two people wrapped in each others arms fills the room .

this should be the hollywood ending this is the best  life has to offer two people

now for the rest of the story >   while they lay in each others arms he asks if I may I feel it only right that I ask about your life and find out more about this wondrous person who I now share a bed with ?  he asks sorry but I don't even know your name ? she says starbright  ,   he asks what do you do for a living ? she then says well I make a good living . I am porn star it pays very well.  He says what do your parents think of this . she says o my mother died a while back . good thing she says for the thought of my work would have killed her .  He asks what about your father she says o I never met him .  My mother said he was a sailor >

stop here think about it what  might come next then wait  in only gets worse then anything you could have ever thought or imagined >

she says here is a picture of my mom and I when I was a child .  there is this very beautiful women holding a small child with a short haircut and a small blue suit .  the beautiful young women say isn't life strange I was born a boy but had the good fortune of becoming what  I wanted to be a beautiful women . then out of shock and dread and having noticed the mother in the picture to be someone he had once known from his know seemingly  reckless sorted past .this wondrous night in heaven is turning into a ride to a destination called HELL .  the shock is starting to kick in. he asks what was your birth name? . she says o well that was ( his name with a JR after it ) .

then the feeling of shock enters his mind and he blindly goes about goin back to the ship . as he leaves this port and now sees the world as a nightmare he will never wake from .

so told you a mule kick to the nuts . everyone is someone's relation >  this is not something that could not happen just something that might >

happy nightmares


if you disapprove of a story like this . then set up a go fund me page and raise some money to put a stop to stories like this .  donate the revenue , see how much could  be raised to keep stories like this from being written and passed around ? justa thought . remember you were warned it says so right in the title this was not going end with a happy ending ?

I apologize if this might offend . we are all related as human beings and a what if something like this could happen , then sorry if the thought of it happening hurts you the thought that it could happen should scare you even worse

Offline em

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Re: A kick in the nuts
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2020, 10:32:02 pm »
the person receiving this letter when asked what they thought of it said

I did not like it at all it was horrible .

the person who wrote the letter responded

it was meant to be . 

just like dying young  from AIDS

so if you have read this you have something horrific to base the experiences we are facing from the coronavirus on what emotional hardharp might feel like

some emotion worse than death as a baseline to continue on 'trudging forward to endure what life throughs at you. because  as I understand it dying young from  AIDS was not easy . and the road ahead for us with  this new virus will not be easy either

hate the story . that is why it was written . now love the life ahead of you troubles and all .

all the best to you


Offline em

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Re: A kick in the nuts
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2020, 06:53:02 am »
Hate AIDS and Coronavirus

what  happens if you hate and use this to keep something you dislike from your life

what should this mean

organize strategize plan attack defeat and put an end too

by using whatever is at your disposal to achieve this end

join together to help put an end to the carnegie a pandemic can do

hate the virus not the people with it

compassion understanding even study to prevent others and those who might get it in future

instead of spending large amounts of money devise a plan to help in all aspects

hate AIDS , love those with it once this separation is made < love > is the only answer suitable to the question

karma will surely take effect ,  otherwise  a living nightmare might face you

I guess I am just dreaming living in a fantasy world built just for one

like that anyone would actually take was written  above and think it a worthwhile endeavor'

I must be horrible wrong and am very apologetic for wasting your time by submitting this  < my bad > sorry 

since no one is here maybe I should just shut off the light lock up and go home

« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 07:03:38 am by em »

Offline em

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Re: A kick in the nuts
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2020, 09:19:46 am »


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