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Author Topic: AMG 2015 (Memphis) - Grants Committee Formation  (Read 14909 times)

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Offline Grants Committee

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AMG 2015 (Memphis) - Grants Committee Formation
« on: January 29, 2015, 09:52:49 pm »
Hello Everyone:

We are in need to start on forming Grants Committee for AMG 2015. I am up for the opportunity to serve again (if you all will allow me to once again).   

The Grants Committee for AMG 2014 consisted of the following members – although there were no donations or requests for assistance (here’s hoping for a big change with that this year):

    Screenname                    Name
   - bocker3                           Mike
   - Joe K                               Joe
  - pozniceguy                       Nick

As a moderator, Joe has opted out of participating on the committee this.

Nick - please let me know if you are able/willing to be a part of the Committee this year.

If there are other members who are interested in participating on the Committee, please send a PM to "Grants Committee."

The history, purpose and functions of the Committee:

The AMG Grants Committee (the “GC”) was formed in 2005 as a means of pooling donations from generous members and other sources to help out some members who wanted to attend the AMG but were financially constrained. 


The Grants Committee aims to grant assistance to as many members in need wishing to attend the gathering as the available funds would allow.  The GC shall manage all AMG grant operations and ensure there is adequate controls and transparency regarding the donation and grant operations process.

The Grants Committee shall support the following specific tasks:
•   Soliciting donations
•   Grant allocation
•   Periodic reporting to the wider forum members

The Grants Committee shall consist of at least three and at most five members.

The AMG Grant Committee is the ONLY time members are allowed to use these Forums for fundraising.

All donations are kept confidential.  The names of members assisted with grant funds/donations are also kept confidential.

There are typically two types of donations: 1) cash donations to the Committee which are then directed to assist individuals in need (through procurement/sharing of hotel rooms, travel fare, etc) and 2) members who will sponsor another member (i.e. share or pay directly for another member's room, travel, etc.).

Everything is done with the greatest amount of transparency (with the exception of keeping confidential the names of donors and members requesting/receiving assistance).  Regular reports are posted in the forum regarding funds received and funds disbursed.

A great many individuals have been helped during past AMGs through the assistance of other members.  Funds raised for various AMGs have ranged from $1,100 - to over $5,000 (not including direct sponsorships of individual members.

The assistance provided by the grants can make the difference in whether a member is able to attend the AMG or not.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask - If you want to be involved, send a PM, as noted above. 

After the Committee is established - a separate thread will announce this and provide info for those members who want to donate or who may wish to request assistance. If we can have the Committee members finalized by February 8, 2015, we should be able to have the "Donation / Request for Assistance" thread up by, February 10, 2015.

Thanks in advance everyone for your participation.

-Grants Committee

Offline Grants Committee

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Re: AMG 2015 (Memphis) - Grants Committee Formation
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2015, 09:24:53 pm »
We are still in need of, at least one more member.  Currently we have

Pozniceguy (Nick)
Bocker3 (Mike)

The committee generally has 3-5 members.  Having at least 3 helps divide up the responsibilities and creates additional accountability for donations.

Please, if interested, PM the Grants Committee or bocker3 for information. 

Really want to get this committee set up soon, so that we the maximum amount of time to raise money and help people attend AMG who otherwise would not be able to attend.

Thank you!!!

Offline Grants Committee

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Re: AMG 2015 (Memphis) - Grants Committee Formation
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2015, 11:25:21 am »
Hello Everyone:

We now have the minimum number of members to make up the 2015 AMG Grants Committee. 

The Grants Committee for AMG 2015 will consist of the following members:
    Screenname                    Name
   - bocker3                          Mike
   - Jody                              Jody
   - pozniceguy                     Nick

Each of the above members are willing to serve on the AMG 2015 Grants Committee; however, we wanted to ask for feedback on the members of the Grants Committee.  Also, we want to see if any others are interested in participating on the Committee - if interested, please send a PM to Grants Committee.

Please - if anyone has concerns with these 3 members, you can list your concern here or you may send a PM to the Grants Committee.  Please speak up prior to Noon on Friday Feb 13th - if no objections are received by then, this committee will begin soliciting donations and requests for assistance - thread with instructions will be posted at that time.

Thank you,
2015 Grants Committee


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