I'm 43, and I have been an insulin dependent diabetic for 29 years, not one major health issue in all those years. Insulin and Advil are my drugs of choice........ ;D
I am an Insulin-dependent diabetic as well. I've had ulcers on my legs and big sways in blood sugar. I check it like twice a day. I suppose I should do it more often. But, anyway, the things I suggested are what help me. Like I said though, I don't really know about the dandruff thing. I wonder if there's something a derm could prescribe for it?
The fatigue thing is the biggest thing for me. I have found that I get tired much more easily and it takes longer for me to bounce back. Now since I had mono at the age of 35 and my doctor told me I would likely have bouts of fatigue so I just thought it was that. When I was diagnosed in 2006 that's when the fatigue thing could be 'understood'. Now I take a multi=vitamin and B-12. I also try to get some extra sleep on the weekends, when I can... :-\ Once I get run down, it takes about 2 weeks for me to bounce back :-(