Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Insurance, Benefits Programs & HIV


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Hello again everyone,

I called social security ( 1-800-772-1213), and was told, that my review will be done in Feb. 2009.

I asked what will happen, and the woman said, I will be sent a form to fill out with a few questions, and to mail it back.
If and only if, they require more info, they will contact me, otherwise, my SSDI will continue.
I asked what are the chances of an HIV+ person being denied and told to return to work, and she said, that only applies to people who are on SSDI conditions that get better in time, or are not chronic, examples she gave me are, hip surgery, back surgery, etc.
I even asked her how long has see been working at social security, and she said 19 years, and NEVER saw anyone that is HIV+ being denied after their review, and for me not to worry at all.

That made me feel much better, I was worried to be honest. :)

Anyway , I want to thank everyone for your assistance with this.


Dan J.:
I am glad you recieved the answers to your questions.


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