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Anyone Kicked Off Of SSDI?

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JR Gabbard:
The only people I've seen kicked off SSDI are the people who blew it off, and figured it out when the checks stopped coming (or the direct deposits).  It's usually pretty easy to get them back on IF you can show that they have been following treatment, or at least seeing a doc.

Continuing Disability Review (CDR) --thanks for posting that, Dan J.

SSA will notify you when it is time, but it is usually noted on your initial award letter.  Calculate the dates from there.  Most people with AIDS are at 5-7 year intervals.  That's because medical improvement is not expected--meaning there's no cure.  Your disability decision was based on the degree of damage your immune system has suffered--measured by various OIs, hospitalizations, concurrents diagnoses, and the "little" stuff like nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, fatigue etc.  You will get to submit your med records, jsut like the first time.  They may ask for an exam--you have a right to have your own doc do it.

Make sure your doc makes chart notes of your subjective symptioms--fatigue, depression, etc.--because they will be important at this stage of things.

I can't answer any questions about specific cases here, so if you have a question you would like me to answer about your own situation, send me a PM.  I'll try.


I spoke with someone at the Health Insurance Board in Alabama... and since aids is now considered a chronic condition... and not a terminal condition... and with the new medications available... it is now becoming more difficult to recieve ssdi... or long term disability... meaning the reviews will probally become yearly in the near future...

not too long ago in the late 80's and early 90's if you were hiv+ you automatically were classified as terminal but, it has now been evaluated as a manageable... chronic condition... its really something to think about with all the medical advances being made... 

All my paperwork was filled out by Social Services at the hospital and filed on my behalf. It says, "Chronic and permit disabled." I started receiving SSI benefits within a month and a half, plus retropay and received my medical card and food stamps the day I was released from the hospital. I still get calls from Columbus advising me of all the programs I'm able receive help from that I have not filed for. I have no complaints about the treatment and help that I have been given. Knock on wood.

my private disability plan, which was paying me for 6 years, just dropped me. I had to hire a lawyer to fight it....My ssdi is up for review next year, as that will be the 8th years. I'm sure ill get the boot there too, but im going down fighting. We shall see.

I'm not sure if I've been reviewed.

They sent me a letter in March '06 asking me to fill out a lengthy Work Activity Report (which I did), and then another letter in Juy '06 telling me that "We have recently reviewed the evidence in your Social Security disability claim and found that your disability is continuing."

It seemed more about income and work activity than anything medical (unless they accessed my Medicare records without my knowledge).  In fact, I don't recall any medical questions at all.

edited to add:  I know it says they reviewed my claim, but it just seems weird that it seemed entirely about the Work Activity Report.


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