Jim Allen:
I had some time to read through this today. The full report is 190+ pages and a 10-page summary report. Links are included below.
A few points that stood out to me:
* The estimated 1.3 million [1.0 million–1.7 million] new HIV infections in 2022 were the fewest in decades * AIDS claimed a life every minute in 2022. Millions of people still miss out on treatment. * Steep increases in numbers of new HIV infections have continued in eastern Europe and central Asia since 2010 (49% increase) and the Middle East and North Africa (61% increase). These trends are due primarily to a lack of prevention services and to the barriers posed by punitive laws, violence and social stigma and discrimination. * Overall, the AIDS response tends to be most successful when it includes efforts to remove the underlying barriers (e.g. discriminatory criminal laws and policies, gender and other inequalities, stigma and discrimination, and human rights violations) that hold back progress * Globally, almost three-quarters (71%) of people living with HIV in 2022 (76% of women and 67% of men living with HIV) had suppressed viral loads. Viral load suppression in children, however, was only 46%. * Overall,numbers of AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by 69% since the peak in 2004
Full report: https://thepath.unaids.org/wp-content/themes/unaids2023/assets/files/2023_report.pdf
Executive summary in English: https://thepath.unaids.org/wp-content/themes/unaids2023/assets/files/executive_summary_en.pdf