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Welcome to the POZ Community Forums, a round-the-clock discussion area for people with HIV/AIDS, their friends/family/caregivers, and others concerned about HIV/AIDS.  Click on the links below to browse our various forums; scroll down for a glance at the most recent posts; or join in the conversation yourself by registering on the left side of this page.

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Excellent presentation and discussion, thank you. 
Forums Gatherings / Re: Thursday 19th Sept. Peer support call - Fitness
« Last post by kentfrat1783 on Yesterday at 09:19:11 pm »
What an amazing conclusion to our Peer Support Calls!

We covered many important topics, but here are the key takeaways:

 :) Support each other in our journeys.
 :D Discover what works best for us individually.
 :) Identify ways to break old habits.
 :D Having someone hold you accountable is incredibly helpful.
 :) Small steps lead to big achievements.

We’re working on saving the presentation and will share it with you soon—stay tuned!

If you have any questions or would like guidance on progressing toward your fitness goals, please feel free to reach out. I’m here to help!

Instagram @ActiveKenSolutions
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 12:46:33 pm »

                 ojo.              Hello all!…Yesterday I went to see Deacula, the results are back. I’m still UD, cd4 751 and cd4% 35 , the rest of the results are normal. Now all I have to talk to the doctor is about the lab results and my shoulder’s pain is getting worse, I’ll ask the dictor if I need anither MRI to check my shoulder again, we’ll see what the doc says although, I DON’T WANT SURGERY, I just want to make sure that my arms are not going to fall down while walking my dog not only losing my arm but also my dog dragging my arm around the block, LOL…I will also see the. Bone specialist, I’m on my last mont injecting myself which makes me happy, I remember way.back when I was injecting myself with Fuzion (T20), it was as a pain in my skinny ass. After the injection treatment I will continue with anither treatment, oral treatment dor two more years…my third appoinment of the day, Ictober 1st, I’m seeing the surgeon whom removed my blind eye, we’ll discuss the causes of my eye pain, it was suppise to be gone after the surgery but it’s still there. Tonight I will take out my prosthesis to discard the possibility of being the cost of the pain and if it is, I would have to go to get it adjusted. I will keep you posted. It’s going to be a long day, but, it will save me time and money… I am very happy with my doctors to make possible synchronize the three appointments for the same day… I will keep you posted and hugs

Ps. forgive my typos
Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 10:38:36 am »
will you marry me? clearly we're soulmates!
(sorry Alan. You can come watch Midsomer Mysteries with Larry)

 ;D LOL.

So next week Monday and Tuesday appointments I suspect one of the outcomes will be an increase in my blood pressure medication. I have been on minimal dosage for years but recently had some less normal readings and I was going to request an increase anyway.

Thursday, hoping they have the flu vaccine in already, pharmacies get it the week after so they should already have it and that MRI of the spine, the results from that should be back although I already know they found nothing, I also suspect switching meds to duel therapy will be their usual topic, not going to happen.
Forums Gatherings / Re: Thursday 19th Sept. Peer support call - Fitness
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 10:22:55 am »

I'm pumped for tomorrow's presenation, on the Benefits of Fitness. 

I look forward to seeing all of you and to get you motivated to start, or continue, a healthy lifestyle. 

Don't forget to follow me on Istagram: @kentfrat1783 or @ActiveKenSolutions

Forums Gatherings / Re: Thursday 19th Sept. Peer support call - Fitness
« Last post by kentfrat1783 on September 18, 2024, 09:01:47 pm »

I'm pumped for tomorrow's presenation, on the Benefits of Fitness. 

I look forward to seeing all of you and to get you motivated to start, or continue, a healthy lifestyle. 

Don't forget to follow me on Istagram: @kentfrat1783 or @ActiveKenSolutions
How Can I Prevent HIV? / Re: Risk of Reinfection?
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 18, 2024, 07:16:26 pm »
Should I still be fine?

From this incident regarding HIV, absolutely.
How Can I Prevent HIV? / Re: Risk of Reinfection?
« Last post by dextermorgan92 on September 18, 2024, 05:45:58 pm »
Thanks so much Jim! I am taking Dovato which I believe is only two medicines in one. Should I still be fine? Thanks for all your support!
How Can I Prevent HIV? / Re: Risk of Reinfection?
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 18, 2024, 01:39:32 pm »
Code: [Select]
PS I worry about everything.

Sorry to hear that. You mentioned you have been on treatment for a decade so possibly HIV positive for longer. I bet most of the worries are about things outside of your direct control. Any of these worries coming true and did worrying about it makes things better  ;)

Try to focus on what is within your control in life, so smile, laugh and enjoy it, Don't smoke, drink less, exercise more, eat a balanced diet , have sex, take your meds and stop worrying about "what is" that you can't change.
How Can I Prevent HIV? / Re: Risk of Reinfection?
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 18, 2024, 01:18:05 pm »
One in a million, no, wrong decade and treatment situation for those odds and stressing about SuperAIDS.

If you are on standard triple therapy you next results will remain below 200 copies.
What treatment are you taking?
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