Main Forums > Living With HIV

Employment question.. has anyone seen HIV as a disability on an application???


Hey all,

I'm looking for work and came across a site that I was applying on and it ask to check if I had any "disabilities".  HIV/AIDS was listed.

I wasn't sure how to feel about this.  Should I say yes or no?

Your thoughts and experiences are greatly appreciated.

Bubba hugs! Patrick

I guess you can know the answer to this best.

In this day and age,HIV has minimal effect on us.


When I was applying for jobs (in the USA), they did have HIV/AIDS listed under the disability question.  It was also listed with a dozen other items.

Sometimes I would answer Yes and othertimes I would answer No.  It would all depend on how much I trusted the company and would use the information for good or bad. 

It's all about a tax credit the companies can get if they hire you.

How you answer this is all up to you as I don't see it as a Disability. 

I have seen this question on a voluntary disability disclosure form, I opted to skip the form.  Employers simply don't need to have this information in my opinion.


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