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Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits => Nutrition & HIV => Topic started by: jupiter on July 03, 2006, 09:01:23 am

Title: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: jupiter on July 03, 2006, 09:01:23 am
Hi All,
I started taking some mens multi vitamins and i was naucious after taking them. so i have discontinued use.
There are so many on the market some people say one is better than the other some say stay away from certain ones. Im at the point where i really have no idea..   i have been advised against cent rum.
there are others with spirulina etc in them but there is a debate on wheather that is good or not for us.

So can anyone reconmend a good one??
I am in australia by the way..
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Cliff on July 03, 2006, 09:06:15 am
Hi Jupiter,

Did you try to take them with food or on an empty stomach?  Whenever I take vitamins (multivitamins, especially potent ones) on an empty stomach it upsets my stomach and causes nausea.  But if I take them with food, then I'm usually okay.

I generally just take a daily multivitamin.  Nothing special, just a generic, inexpensive brand from the local drug store.  It's usually the version that has a higher content of antioxidants and other immune support vitamins.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Steven on July 03, 2006, 11:13:24 am
You ask a loaded question that only you can decide.
First you should be talking to your doctor.
Are you taking meds?
Has your bloodwork shown any abnormalities?

Most doctors will only recommend taking a multivitamin since they were schooled in medicine and not in vitamins or supplements.
You need to decide for yourself what your body needs.
If your looking for something to suppress your virus or increase your T-cells well vitamins & supplements are not going to do that.  They will however allow your body to take in the nutrients it needs so you can function better.

As for Spirulina, It has no known side effects on meds and has not been proven to increase your VL. The biggest thing about it is the algae which has caused much discussion.

As always you need to discuss with your doctor whatever you decide to take
and keep them informed.  They have your medical history so if you have any type of disorder or a possible allergic reaction to certain things they can tell you what is good for you and what you must avoid.  The research however needs to be done by you, since your the one who is going to make the final decision.

If your not sure what certain vitamins or supplements do then invest in a good vitamin book which will inform you better.  I have listed a couple on my web site under reading material. 

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: jupiter on July 04, 2006, 04:57:34 am
Ok the loaded question.
Im not on meds. and my bloodwork is fine all is functioning well.
Im looking at taking a multi just to make sure im getting all that i need.
I had heard that multivitamins benefit the immune system..

I have also heard that some brands contain fillers and others can only have trace elements of some of the vitamins so i guess thats why im unsure of which brand is best.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: allopathicholistic on July 04, 2006, 10:28:13 am
well always remember the word best is subjective. i like a brand called 'mega food' ... the men's formula. however some men shun this formula because it contains iron and iron is supposedly not necessary for men or men don't need as much iron compared t women. (the latter is probably more accurate) so some men go for an iron-free men's formula
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: J.R.E. on July 04, 2006, 07:07:13 pm
however some men shun this formula because it contains iron and iron is supposedly not necessary for men or men don't need as much iron compared t women. (the latter is probably more accurate) so some men go for an iron-free men's formula

In those of us that are HIV positive, iron supplements should be avoided. The body has no natural way to get rid of iron, and ends up storing it. Even My doctor told me to stay away from iron supplements. There was some previous discussion on this in the old forums,(iron supp.) I will see if I can find it.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: jupiter on July 05, 2006, 07:58:44 am

I went to the healthfood shop today and bought some more.
They do have ferrous fumarate 16mg  equivalent to 5mg elemental iron.  is that ok??
I think most multis have iron.
Its called formula 6.
Ill give em a go and let you know how it goes for the next couple of weeks..
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: J.R.E. on July 05, 2006, 08:48:33 pm
Hello Jupiter,

 Unless your doctor,or a nutritionist has prescribed iron supplementation.  My own thoughts would be to just avoid it. Your probably getting enough through your diet and multivitamin. I have to let you know, I am not an expert on this. Back in 2003 I went into iron overload. With ferritin levels in the 900 range. I managed to get that back under control. ( that was also before medication was started.

Here is some more reading material for you :


Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Steven on July 06, 2006, 04:02:49 pm
Do you have a health food store near you?
This may be a better place to begin your search for what you need and the people there tend to know more about vitamins/supplements then what I call the mega chain stores whose only intent is to sell you anything they can.

As for the iron content, you will receive conflicting reports here since each of our bodies control it differently. You could do fine with what you chose but remember to let your doc know since he /she should know what your system can and can not tolerate.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: catwoman on July 07, 2006, 10:36:34 am
I take the K-Pax vitamins and I like them.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: tapwater on July 12, 2006, 08:21:41 pm
I take my supplements between my aids meds........
 ProvexCV{Cardio Vasular protection},a super antioxdant,{with citrus bioflavonids} and vitamin C,E.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: lydgate on July 12, 2006, 08:26:22 pm
A simple "A to Z" Centrum multivitamin, with lunch (and always with food). When I'm exercising vigorously, I add a B-Complex capsule, which also contains vitamin c (again, with food) -- my body seems to require it.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: James123 on July 13, 2006, 10:02:24 am
Multivitamins containing selenium and betacrotene is good choice. Also consider Green tea extract as it is good against cancer and infections including HIV.

To read more about "Green Tea" and for latest news about Green Tea, go to following site.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: simon2 on July 25, 2006, 06:19:22 pm
Hi there!
I recently saw a very good HIV specialist in NY, who advised a very simple multi-vitamin (NON IRON), and a B-Complex. He advised that with good food (fish, veg, fruit, beans, nuts, etc) that was all one needed.
Choose a brand that's been around for a while, and not necessarily the cheapest. In London (where I'm from) Seven Seas is a very trusted brand.
I love Australia, have visited 4 times (Sydney's my favourite, but have seen Ayers Rock, Melbourn, Cairns) and will visit this Christmas for the 5th time!
If you'd like to correspond, I'm at:
Have been diagnosed + for one year and am still in shock, but feel great.
Hope you do, too.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: sfpvguy41 on August 13, 2006, 11:44:51 pm
I just love Men's Blend by Super Nutrition, available without iron and in many health food stores.  To me it contains everything i ever want, including Green Tea!  It's food-based so more digestible.

Check it out at

It makes a huge difference to my energy.

No, I'm not a paid sponsor.  Don't know if they have any, but they should...!

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: texasguy on August 16, 2006, 01:27:39 am
I take the Super Nutrition Super Blend without iron.  I use half strength because it's so potent and it's expensive.  I get it online through the Houston Buyers Club at a decent price though. It gives me so much energy, probably because it's loaded with B vitamins.  I also take selenium and fish oil capsules.  I'm working on it, but my diet is pretty bad!  Old habits are hard to change.  I started taking these vitamins after my second set of labs, and it could be coincidence, but on my next labs my CD4 percentage went up 6 points .....

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Merlin on August 16, 2006, 08:14:04 pm
Hey Terry:

Read your input and I'm truly very impressed. The improvement between your 1st and second lab figures are truly amazing without meds. I'm currently not on meds too and trying all kinds of supplements to stay healthy. My biggest problem is fatigue and loss of weight especially on my face. I'm much better now but want to narrow down what are the real essential supplements to take to save money. Appreciate if you can recall what supplements you used regularly between your 1st and 2nd lab results. Thanks so much.

Stay wel and Peace !


Diagnosed : August 05
Nov 05: VL:120,000 CD4: 440

Still have not done my second lab yet (long story)
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: texasguy on August 18, 2006, 11:05:30 pm
I can't credit vitamins/supplements for the drop after the first labs.  HIV doc says that my body was still putting up the initial fight against the virus, as I am certain of exposure the first week of December.  He says the body fights it down to a certain level and then plateaus for a certin time period, sometimes months sometimes years.  Seems like I have plateaud at VL 50,000.  The only thing I was taking between the first and second labs was a Centrum Silver multivitamin and a B complex supplement.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Jeff64 on September 12, 2006, 01:34:57 pm
If you would just eat a well balanced diet, chances are you will get more than enough vitamins/minerals.
Seems to me that people are obsessed with finding health in a pill!

Too many certain vitamins can do more harm than good...just eat right and you will be as healthy as you can be.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Mattinsrq on September 14, 2006, 09:45:40 am
I posted this in another thread, it might be useful.

Very Informative post.  Upon diagnosis, my doctor recommended I get a "Spectracell" blood test.  This is a specific test that shows exactly what nutrients your body needs.  It gives a range of recommended dosage to improve the areas lacking, to come up with a tailor-made approach to supplements.  It also gives a personalized guide of natural foods that supply the vitamins and minerals you need.

Anything else seems like a crap shoot...hoping you are taking the right stuff, in the right amount.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Iggy on September 19, 2006, 10:37:07 am
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: J.R.E. on September 19, 2006, 07:58:04 pm
Hello ,

This article might give you some info :


Edited for link failure on 10/1/06

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: unfair on September 27, 2006, 01:02:29 am
thanks for the link. my brother who is infected, has complained of weakness. so far we havent seen the doctor for this weakness but were thinking of buying some supp. for him. maybe its wisest to see his doctor in that case
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: hypozsc on October 01, 2006, 09:29:56 am
I also take the Megafood brand of multi vitamins. They have a variety of options includuing one they call Medi-Safe "without the potential of interaction with your prescriptions from Herbs, Iron, Iodine, or Vitamin K." Most, if not all of their products are made from 100% foods (no synthetic vitamins).
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: allopathicholistic on October 01, 2006, 11:11:15 am
I also take the Megafood brand of multi vitamins. They have a variety of options includuing one they call Medi-Safe "without the potential of interaction with your prescriptions from Herbs, Iron, Iodine, or Vitamin K." Most, if not all of their products are made from 100% foods (no synthetic vitamins).

hypozsc - THANK YOU. For years Megafood has had a solid reputation for high quality. now that i've heard of Medi-Safe  I'll be sure to be on the lookout for it!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: antibody on December 02, 2006, 02:56:54 pm

...just eat right and you will be as healthy as you can be.


some people have a hard time just eating right, whatever it be, nausea or lack of appetite so it's easy to say just eat right. just think happy thoughts and al will be well. it just doesn't work like that.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Jeff64 on December 09, 2006, 07:40:02 am
it is not that hard to eat good things.

I take a multi vitamin daily, but I probably do not need it.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: hussy_24 on December 09, 2006, 02:56:07 pm
well, i take whats called seven seas tonic (orange flavour  :P), i even brought the packaging along with me to my doc to show him what i was taking, she didnt pass any negative remarks and after reading this thread i look at the packaging again, its practically an iron supplement...... so i started to look at alternatives and i came across Primrose oil/flax seed oil, and Black Seed Oil. The black seed oil was sold in my local grocery shop, its basically a mix of pretty much everything (can see link for brand i purchased, http://www.imanproducts.com/whatis.html ,) i'm a bit sceptical but i am a religious person at heart so i decided to give it a go. Anyone got any thoughts on this stuff?
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: LVGuy on December 10, 2006, 01:19:33 am
It has been interesting reading the various thoughts and insights on supplements when dealing with HIV.  I think the most important thing to do is to speak with your doctor.  If you don't feel that you are getting the attention to detail from him/her, talk with your pharmacist.  The drug folks keep a very good pulse on drug interactions, including supplements.  The other thing that is important is to pay attention to your own body.  I was diagnosed in 2004, and had been taking supplements for years before that, and have continued to do so.  Between my doctor and what my body tells me, I have determined what works best for me and my life.  There are so many variables to consider when looking at taking vitamin/mineral/herbal supplements.  Your body's metabolic rate, your daily stress level, your general diet, exercise program, etc...  All of these things can affect what supplementation you can benefit from.  It's also important to educate yourself about supplements.  It's fine to get the less expensive brands for some things, and much more beneficial to get the high quality expensive ones for others. Again, much of it depends on your body, health level and lifestyle.  I live a very high stress life because of my career and I have to be up and on the go 7 days a week.  The supplements I take make a huge difference in my life and allow me to function at the level required.  I am on meds for HIV, cholesterol, and crappy allergies that never go away.  I drink major amounts of water to make sure my kidneys stay flushed, try to maintain a constant workout schedule, and eat as healthy as possible while on the go.  I always take the supplements with one of those protein shakes blended with some fresh fruit to keep from getting the upset stomach.  It works very well for me.  When I was diagnosed with HIV, I was sick and my counts could arguably show I had AIDS.  That was December 23, 2004.  I've been undetectable for almost a year now and keep a schedule that most people can't believe.  I think supplements are, in part, responsible for this and would recommend they are looked at as a means of improving your health status, but not as a cure for anything.  Just use common sense and professional input.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: AustinWesley on December 20, 2006, 09:16:34 pm
I just take the cheap Walgreens Multivitamins.   I compared them to the Centrum and they are the same damn thing.   I'm not a regular vitamin taker, but definitely noticed they are great for a hang over.

I have B vitamins and I swear by them.  Something about the alcohol seems to deplete your body.   So, if you booze it up on occasion make sure you take those cause I think they really help.

I also agree with whoever said eating right and not looking for "health in a pill" had excellent advice!   I incorporate tons of veggies in my diet!
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: sweetasmeli on December 21, 2006, 08:07:58 am
I'm into both healthy eating and supplements. I don't believe we necessarily get enough nutrients from the food we eat. I also believe our bodies often face health challenges that require extra supplementation, either on a short or long term basis, depending on the situation.

I've just started the following supplement programme, which is specifically aimed at boosting and maintaining the immune system:

Once daily
Vitamin E - 400iu
Selenium - 200mcg
Vitamin B complex 100
Vitamin B12 - 100ug
Beta carotene – 15mg
Folic acid - 400mcg

Twice daily
Vitamin C powder - 1000mg
Zinc - 15mg
MSM - 1000mg
Acidophilus Plus - 36mg
Echinacea - 15 drops
Bio-Lipoic Acid - 50mg (might be increasing this to 2x daily)

I also take 500-1000mg Evening primrose for PMT once a day. I'm also just trying 500g E-EPA purified omega-3 fish oil, also once daily, which is meant to help with depression (amongst other things).

I always take my supplements with food to avoid nausea.

I've been under a lot of stress the past 3-4 years and thats taken its toll on my immune system noticeably so this past 6-12 months. So I thought I'd give myself a boost for a few months. I'll see whether I notice a difference - in energy, appearance, attitude and blood results. Then I'll address it from there. While I can afford it I'll try it! Why not?

I also juice fruit/veg every day and eat as much organic food as possible. I dont smoke or drink much alcohol. My 2 biggest vices are chocolate and emotional stress. The chocolate I wont part with - I think I deserve that  - plus its mainly dark organic anyhoo! The stress I'm working on getting a handle on it...

I hate the idea of going on  meds, so I'll do everything I can to put that moment off for as long as possible, hopefully indefinitely. As far as I'm concerned, I believe time will tell...

Yeia kai hara (Greek for health and happiness)

Melia :)
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: AustinWesley on December 21, 2006, 11:39:18 am
Hey Melia,

I can relate to your feeling of wanting to stay off meds as long as possible.   I know it's an individual choice and I am still grappling with it.   My concern is not just the immediate effects, but the long term side effects.   

I read through your list of supplements.   I may take a few of them once in a while, but not on a regular basis. 

I'm not saying your system is either good or bad, but I am slightly concerned that so many supplements could be over taxing to my liver.    Has anyone had a problem with that?

Wish you all the best Melia.   

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: sweetasmeli on December 21, 2006, 01:47:58 pm
Hi Wesley
I didnt just pick out the supplements and guess at the amounts. I did research, background reading and asked the right kind of people before embarking on the programme. I'm still adjusting my amounts of E-EPA and evening primrose oil, as sometimes the oils give me indigestion.

I'm not a very 'sciency' person but my understanding is that vitamin and mineral supplements are essential non-toxic micronutrients that are stored, used, broken down and released naturally and safely by the body. I cant imagine the liver having problems with such supplements - as long as you keep within recommended guidelines - with regard to your own personal health circumstances.

What I can imagine the liver having problems with are toxic 'anti-nutrients' such as aluminium, lead and fluorine, which people inadvertently absorb from things like packaging, car exhaust fumes and toothpaste on a daily basis. Just to mention a few!

I personally cant answer your query about vitamins and the liver but I know a man here who probably can...I'll pm him and see if he can  answer your question and explain the exact science behind it.

Melia :)
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: qrky on December 29, 2006, 08:03:09 pm
Just tested poz last week so not on meds...but my experiences with herbal treatments historically have proven much more effective than the official medical establishment.

Check out New Chapter for multivits (www.new-chapter.com)...they're in a sort of food-base, probiotic, highly tolerable, super-critical standardize formula...I use their Men's Best Once Daily.  Also starting the following:

Turmericforce from them;
Green&White Tea from them (capsules);
NAC N-acetylcysteine amino acid

The vits from them aren't cheap at all... but their medical advisory board has 3 M.D.'s on it ...and I've been using them for a long time.  Turmeric you have to take with food...

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: nycthreeoh on December 30, 2006, 04:33:12 pm
Hey Jupiter....not sure if you can get them in Aus, but I take Metagenics viatmins.  I did quite a bit of research and found a naturopath/nutrionist who "prescribes" them.   I take the multigenics w/o Iron.  You can get them online at this store called Total Health Discount Vitamins.  Normally a good multi is all you need but lots of HIV+ persons also take Selenium.  I take this with 3 multi's and one Acidopholus each day. 

You should check out this site: http://www.catie.ca/herb_e.nsf  It's the Canadian Aids Treatment Information Exchange and this link is to a bunch of info on Hebal Therapies. 

Also, have an HIV+ friend who takes a double wheatgrass shot and swears by it....but every"body" is different.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Oh501sguy on January 14, 2007, 08:56:47 pm
I started a multivitamin today called solotron  (GNC Brand name).  Also bought some extra vitamin E and Zinc.  Made a BAD mistake of taken them with coffee on an empty stomach.  I was in the middle of a Macy department store and just about Barfed!  It is important to take your vitamins with FOOD.  ( REAL MEN dont read labels do they?) hehehehe!
Lets see how this helps. 

My energy goes down during the afternoon and I have very little sex drive.  Ive been poz for 13 years.  I am taking sustiva...videx and viread...and lexapro. 

If there is anybody who can recommend something for energy ( beside the double shot of expresso from starbucks that I often do...) and something to help with the sex drive... Please let me know.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: lydgate on January 14, 2007, 09:32:30 pm
Chuck, it's possible that the lexapro is affecting your sex drive; sexual side-effects are a pretty common with SSRI anti-depressants.

Second, it's possible that low energy and low libido are linked to low testosterone levels. Ask your doctor to check the levels. A lot of HIV positive men are hypogonadal (have low testosterone levels). Supplementation, if the levels are low or even low-normal, is a possibility -- to help with both energy and libido. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: sweetasmeli on January 15, 2007, 08:10:42 am
If there is anybody who can recommend something for energy ( beside the double shot of expresso from starbucks that I often do...).

Hi Chuck
Ginseng is meant to be good for boosting energy. Also Coenzyme-Q10, which is also a good antioxident.

Just a suggestion, but you may want to try to steer away from too many expressos if they're something that you have often...Coffee is indeed a stimulant that can give a quick energy boost in an emergency and is ok to drink now and again. However, prolonged excessive consumption - of any stimulant actually - leads to prolonged stress which is a powerful immune suppressor.

Melia :)

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: sweetasmeli on January 19, 2007, 11:39:45 am
I went to see a nutritionist the other day. I found it really helpful. She told me that overall the supplements I'm taking are all the right things for supporting/boosting the immune system. But she helped me tweak my programme here and there; so although I am taking pretty much the same supplements, I'm actually swallowing fewer tablets/capsules, which are of better quality and more cost effective.

The only thing I've dropped is echinacea. She also advised me against the herb Cats Claw because the jury is still out on whether these herbs actually help the immune system or - if taken longterm - overstimulate it, which isn't a good thing. She said its fine to take echinacea for 2 weeks at a time with the onset of a cold, but not to take it longterm. Oh I've also dropped the evening primrose for now; my depression has lifted this past month or so and I want to see if a healthier diet, balanced micronutrient intake and regular exercise can help with my pmt instead...

She is looking into a multivitamin for me to take too, which I just thought I'd mention because she brought up the issue of iron. I cant remember exactly what she said - perhaps something about viruses or infections feeding off iron(?) - but she wanted to find me one without iron.

Anyway, I'm glad I went to see her. Helped me reaffirm what I'm doing...

Melia :)
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: latinscorpio75 on March 03, 2007, 05:22:43 pm
Anyone who is interested in taking multivitamins should talk to their physician first (an HIV specialist preferably).  If they don't know or they can't recommend a brand they can (and should) help you find someone who can.  There are plenty of nutritionists out there who know better about these things.
I spoke to a nutritionist who deals mainly with HIV+ clients and she recommended the brand NOW (Special One) which has multivitamins and minerals and Spirulina.  Here is the website to NOW foods http://www.nowfoods.com/ and to the article on Spirulina and HIV http://www.spirulina.com/SPLNews96.html
I have been taking these vitamins for about 5 months and I love them.  I tried several other brands from Centrum to Trader Joe's antioxidants/multivitamins (these were pretty good).  I like these because they claim to be more natural. They have no sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, milk, egg or preservatives.
I hope my blog helps.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Cyclic Lives on March 20, 2007, 04:23:09 pm
I started taking (last week) a multivitamin called 12in1. I feel much better since I have started taking these... the site is worth checking out...


Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: risred1 on March 21, 2007, 01:39:03 am
Consider this one. (It is designed for immune system support.) I take this formula without iron. My supplier normally has the without iron formula stocked, but apparently is out at the moment. I post it to give you an idea about a multi that has important characteristics. Chelation and the ability to dissolve completely and care in designing the formulation. Note the B complex, and Selenium dosages and sulphur aminos, Methionine and Cysteine. You don't see that in a multi very often!

Iron can be a problem with HIV meds, so check with your Doc first if iron is a good thing. If you are not on meds, I don't know if iron is an issue.


Added Protection With Iron
[180 tablets]


Click to enlarge

Added Protection III (AMNI) Each bottle, 180 tabs, a 30 day supply. This superior, highly bioavailable formula, with cutting-edge mineral delivery forms by Albion Laboratories, supplies over 30 basic vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin K and boron. Added Protection III is unique in that the vitamins are coated to separate them from minerals which can oxidize and weaken them (seen sometimes as black spots on tablets). Beta-carotene gives the tablets their pink color. Added Protection III is extremely bioavailable since it can be taken in up to six separate doses per day if one desires, and the tablets are documented to disintegrate within 30 minutes following digestion. In addition, the minerals found in this multivitamin are obtained from Albion Labs, which produces chelated forms that are the most bioavailable (easily absorbed) in the industry, according to some studies. Chelation means that the mineral is embedded in amino acids, in this case, between two glycine molecules. The dosages of the minerals are also designed to provide optimal quantities but not too much, since too much can be toxic. In addition, the chelated (and other forms) are designed to limit side effects experienced by sensitive individuals. If you experience any stomach problems, nausea, diarrhea or constipation once starting this regimen, you may be experiencing a reaction to this formulation and should stop to see if the problem clears up. Recommended dose: 6 tabs/day (2-3x/day—or more often—with food). Store cool, dry, away from light.

Six tablets provide:

B-Complex Vitamins:
 Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate) 100 mg
 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 50 mg
 Niacin (a form of Vitamin B3). 40 mg
 Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3) 150 mg
 Pantothenic Acid (B5, d-calcium form) 400 mg
 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) 50 mg
 Folic acid 800 mcg
 Vitamin B12(on ion exchange resin) 100 mcg
 Biotin 300 mcg
 Choline (bitartrate) 150 mg

Other Vitamins:
 Vitamin A (palmitate, water soluble) 10,000 IU
 Beta Carotene (added Vitamin A activity) 5,000 IU
 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, corn-free) 1200 mg
 Vitamin D-3 (fish liver oil) 200 IU
 Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 400 IU
 Vitamin K-1 (phytonadione) 60 mcg

 Calcium (citrate ascorbate) 500 mg
 Magnesium (aspartate-ascorbate complex) 500 mg
 Potassium (aspartate-ascorbate complex) 99 mg
 Iron (carbonyl) 20 mg
 Copper (amino acid chelate) 2 mg
 Manganese (aspartate-ascorbate complex) 20 mg
 Zinc (amino acid chelate) 30 mg
 Iodine (kelp) 150 mcg
 Chromium GTF (bioactive ChromeMate form) 200 mcg
 Selenium (amino acid complex) 200 mcg
 Molybdenum (amino acid chelate) 150 mcg
 Vanadyl sulfate (vanadium amino acid chelate) 200 mcg
 Boron (aspartate-citrate) 2 mg

Other Ingredients:
 PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) 50 mg
 Inositol (B-complex growth factor) 50 mg
 Bioflavonoids (from citrus fruit) 100 mg
 Methionine (DL-form, amino acid) 62.5 mg
 Cysteine (L-form, amino acid) 250 mg
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: risred1 on March 21, 2007, 11:42:35 am
Just updating the multi verision without iron.

newyorkbuyersclub has a new version of added protection III, which is a beta version without IRON or Copper and replaces Vitamin A with betacarotene complex. Design for those of us with liver issues.


Ultra Preventive Beta (180 tabs)
[180 tablets]
Ultra Preventive Beta (180 tabs)
Click to enlarge

Ultra Preventive Beta (Douglas Labs) Each bottle, 180 tablets. This is a version of the Added Protection that replaces the Vitamin A with beta carotene and a good mix of carotenoids. This is a good idea for people with any kind of liver trouble. In our experience at NYBC (and formerly at DAAIR), we have never heard of any problems associated with using the dosages of vitamin A in the Added Protection--and to the contrary, people with HIV (and intravenous drug users too)--have been documented to have low levels of vitamin A. Nonetheless, there are concerns some have that 10,000 IUs of the fat soluble Vitamin A form over time might be a strain on liver function--so we offer this as a slightly more costly alternative. Contains no iron or copper. Suggested use is 2 tablets with each meal or 6 tablets per day.

Each SIX tablets provides:

Beta-Carotene (natural-Betatene) (supplying Natural Mixed Carotenoids including: Beta- Carotene, Alpha-Carotene, Zeaxanthin, Cryptoxanthin and additional Lutein and Lycopene) 15000 I.U.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid, Corn Free) 1200 mg.
Vitamin D3 100 I.U.
Vitamin E (Succinate) 400 I.U.
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine HCI) 100 mg.
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) 50 mg.
Niacin/Niacinamide 190 mg.
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine HCI/Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate Complex) 100 mg.
Folic acid 800 mg
Vitamin B-12 100 mcg.
Biotin 300 mcg.
Pantothenic acid (d-calcium pantothenate) 500 mg.
Calcium (Citrate/Ascorbate Complex) 500 mg.
Iodine (Kelp) 200 mcg.
Magnesium (Aspartate/Ascorbate Complex) 500 mg.
Zinc 30 mg.
Selenium (Organic Selenium in Krebs Cycle and Kelp) 200 mcg.
Manganese (Aspartate Complex) 20 mg.
Chromium GTF (Organically bound with GTF activity - low allergenicity) 200 mcg.
Molybdenum (Krebs) 100 mcg.
Potassium (Aspartate Complex) 99 mg.
Choline Citrate/Bitartrate 60 mg.
Inositol 100 mg.
Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex 100 mg.
PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg.
Vanadium (Krebs) 50 mcg.
Boron (Aspartate/Citrate Complex) 3 mg.
Trace Elements (from Sea Vegetation) 100 mcg.
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine/L-Cysteine HCI 200 mg.
L-Methionine 12.5 mg.
Glutamic Acid HCl 20 mg.
Betaine HCl 114 mg.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: dcfurmuscle on May 03, 2007, 07:23:54 pm
I've had good results with Dr. Kaiser's K=PAX.  They are pharmaceutical grade, formulated for hiv and are easy to take.

Some drawbacks:  poor customer service from the kaiser group and very expensive.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: savorthemoments on May 21, 2007, 09:40:53 pm
I'm behind Kpac also! 100%
Title: Re: ??
Post by: megasept on May 24, 2007, 01:58:19 am
If you would just eat a well balanced diet, chances are you will get more than enough vitamins/minerals.bsorb (tiem released C is a good example). Go to a good store like Great Earth or GNC in the US. T
Seems to me that people are obsessed with finding health in a pill!

Too many certain vitamins can do more harm than good...just eat right and you will be as healthy as you can be.


It's not about health in a pill. I could drink a quart of tomato juice, or I could pop a pill or two. What's wrong with the latter? This isn't Brave New World!  and "Too many [of] certain vitamins do more harm than good." Really? Name the vitamins! There is probably harm associated with nearly every vitamin or mineral for someone who takes 10, 20, or 100 times what they require. Balance is always the key. Too little is not enough, and too much is...too much. Since our diets vary greatly daily, it seems reasonable to expect some days we are low in one substance, and the next couple days low in something else. Taking a good multivitamin gives your body a chance to choose what it needs; the rest we excrete in urine. If you go overboard, you will actually know. It's immediate and quite obvious.

The best vitamins are purer, and may contain substances making them easier so take your time reading and comparing the labels on the back. Centrum really is below average. But if I was without a multi for a month and someone offered me a Flintstones vitamin...I'd take it. Below average is still OK. Since we can shop for supplements a few times yearly it's worth a trip outside where we buy groceries. You get what you pay for...like shoe polish.

We say we need vitamins but we sort of forget about minerals. In fact, vitamins can't be absorbed with nothing. That's why we eat first or simultaneously. Oh, and do not take lots of vitamin E...E interferes with the absorption of all the other vitamins.   The good advice about Iron here should not be ignored.

By taking a multivitamin, I like to think I am offering my body what it might need, for it to absorb or reject, each and every day. The biggest problem is remembering to take them!

 8)  -megasept
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Tempeboy on June 02, 2007, 11:53:09 pm
Hey Jupiter,

The iron is the supplement is the most likely cause of the nausea.  You probably don't need it, and it can cause 'poo' problems (dark with constipation and/or diarrhoea).  But a good quality multi is OK and beneficial for HIV and a number of chronic health issues.  Some new research suggests a multi to combat the effects of viral replication (oxidisation) at a cellular level.  Best taken at night after food.  You can get away with taking them most nights - no need to take them every single day.

As you are in Australia, your local Aids Council should run a vitamin co-op - top range goods at wholesale price.  The products are recommended independantly by dieticians, and the Aids council makes no profit.  You can call the Sydney office 02 9206 2025 and ask for the treatments officer.  The Bobby Goldsmith Foundation will subsidise for those in financial need.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: Ann on June 03, 2007, 07:24:10 am
It's not about health in a pill. I could drink a quart of tomato juice, or I could pop a pill or two. What's wrong with the latter?

What's wrong with the latter is that vitamins found naturally in food are much more easily accessible to the body. This is why a balanced diet is important, whether or not you take supplements.

"Too many [of] certain vitamins do more harm than good." Really? Name the vitamins!

Vitamin A immediately springs to mind. Vitamin D in excess can also be a problem as like A, it is fat soluble and stored in the body. Even the water soluble vitamins such as the Bs and C can become toxic in someone with reduced kidney function - which can happen to people on certain hiv meds. Too much of some of the B vitamins can cause neuropathy. Too much of others can cause kidney damage.

Anyone who is taking more than one multivitamin a day would be wise to research vitamin overdose and adjust their intake accordingly. Supplementation should also always be discussed with your doctor. More is definitely not always better.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: sweetasmeli on June 03, 2007, 04:16:02 pm
As well as discussing it with your doctor, especially if on meds, a vitamin/mineral supplementation programme should not be embarked on without consulting with a fully qualified nutritionist, preferably one who also has some knowledge/understanding about HIV.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: madbrain on June 22, 2007, 07:47:03 am
My HIV specialist recommends to all his patients to take a multi-vitamin. I asked him which brand, and he said Centrum. I bought a One-A-Day after spending a few minutes in the pharmacy looking over every vitamin and mineral and comparing it to Centrum and concluding they were identical, but the One-A-Day was 1/2 the cost per pill. Huge mistake !

The first time I took the One-A-Day on an empty stomach, I vomitted. Subsequent days, I took it with food, but nauseated every single time. The only way I could mitigate that was to split it in half with a pill cutter and take it with food twice a day rather than once a day !

About a month later, I switched to Centrum. I have had no vomitting or nausea whatsoever, and I take it first thing in the morning without food. I threw away what I had left of the One-A-Day.

I'm not sure why my body's reaction to the 2 brands are so different when the composition is supposed to be exactly the same between these 2 multis, but I can tell you the difference is drastic. Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: redhotmuslbear on June 22, 2007, 11:51:35 am
I'm not sure why my body's reaction to the 2 brands are so different when the composition is supposed to be exactly the same between these 2 multis, but I can tell you the difference is drastic. Just my 2 cents.

Virtually all pills, including vitamins and supplements, including some non-active ingedient to keep the active ingredients together.  It may be a gelatin capsule, a binder derived from plants or animals, or a soft candy shell (sorry, I couldn't resist).  My first thought in considering your different reaction to the pills is that either something was different about the state of your stomach or the vitamins used different non-active ingredients, and your stomach had an adverse reaction to the one.  There are also dyes and colorings to consider.

It sounds onerous, but you may want to contact each company and ask what non-active ingredients are in the pills and then compare them.  If one binder or coloring caused this reaction, it might do far worse things to you if taken in larger quantities.

Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: J.R.E. on June 22, 2007, 04:59:39 pm

I take centrum Silver ( multi-vitamin ) once a day, besides other things. One of the best things to do for yourself, is to eat properly. Read this article :


Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: redhotmuslbear on June 27, 2007, 09:25:58 am
One of the best things to do for yourself, is to eat properly.

It's a peculiar phenomenon among Western people, more so with Americans and much more with HIVers, that we come to believe that ingredients for health come in a pill or two or twenty, instead of through our food, drink, and physical activity or lack thereof.  One of the best things I did for myself upon starting treatment back in 1998 after getting over hep A was to make and keep a series of appointments with an HIV nutritionist working at a local hospital.  I had already stuffed my head with lots of knowledge about vitamins and micronutrients, but the nutritionists helped break me out of the pill mindset and got me planning meals and snacks to keep me sated, energetic, and properly nourished.
Title: Re: Multi vitamins, which ones to choose??
Post by: camille07 on June 29, 2007, 11:07:21 am

Check out New Chapter for multivits (www.new-chapter.com)...they're in a sort of food-base, probiotic, highly tolerable, super-critical standardize formula...I use their Men's Best Once Daily. 

I have using New Chapter's multi Women's Best Once Daily.  Very happy with it because it can be taken on an empty stomach.

I was taking primrose a few years back and had a problem with ovarian cysts as a result.  The primrose was egging them on, no pun intended.  But I believe each body is individualized and reacts differently to supplements and herbs.