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Beating the post holidays winter blues


Dan J.:
I don't know if it's a combination of being extremly homesick or just the post holidays winter blues but I am finding myself sinking into depression. I have nightmares about back home everynight. I am finding myself closing off from Herman. All I can think about is being back home around familiar surroundings. I miss my doggie, my "routine", & even my worrysome parents. The weather here is cold, the skys are gray.  Don't get me wrong, I am enjoy being with Herman, but I find myself wanting to go back to the familiar surroundings of West TN.  I don't know why. Life there isn't peachy either.

I wanna hold MY doggie...


Its hard being away sometime, even if you're having fun.  Just try to relax and enjoy yourself, knowing that you will soon be home with family and furry friends.

Oh dear, as much as you wanted to see Hermie.  Just try to make the best of the time you have left.  You'll be home soon enough.

Home is where the heart is. Don't try to fight the feeling,
just allow it to "be" there, and then look at Herman and enjoy what you have now.
Imagine yourself being back in Tenessee and missing Herman very much, then open your eyes and see him still with you.


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