Main Forums > Someone I Care About Has HIV

Update on my Brother


Well, it has been a few months since I have posted. I just got back from a trip to be with my brother. On top of his HIV, he has also been diagnosed with HEP C, Cancer through out his body, something with his stomach which causes him a lot of pain, unable to eat.... I guess I wasnt sure of what to expect. Then, his partner pulled me to the side and told me he too was recently diagnosed positive. I have become very close with him over the last few years and have promised him the same support I give to my brother.

My brothers face is all sunken in and he just looks like he has been through heck and back and I know he has been. While I was there we took several trips to the ER and he ended up staying many times. I will be going back in a month or so, I think right now I am frustrated seeing how he was treated in the hospital each time. Thanks to all of you for your support.

Hi Tina

Was wondering how you and your brother were doing.  I'm sorry your brother is having such a difficult time.  Hope you are taking good care of yourself too.


I am so sorry to hear of your brother's illness and his partners diagnosis.  Have been there but in reverse, my brothers partner found out (and died) and then my brother found out.  As for the treatment in the hospital, I would encourage you to contact the patient representative or manager for the departments that were not treating him well.  Try to be factual and leave opinions out of it, they will be more receptive to your concerns if you do.  You didn't say what your concerns were, but if the issues had to do with pain control, mention "Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)" and that if the situation is not corrected you will be filing a complaint with them.  Pain control is a national patient safety goal and hospitals have been getting nailed on surveys for not properly assessing, reassessing, and treating pain.  If you throw out JCAHO you will get a response I promise.   


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