Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Insurance, Benefits Programs & HIV

Getting meds abroad OR stockpiling


I will soon travel to South Africa for a 1 year period.  Does anyone know how to obtain medications in South Africa, or have had experience living abroad and getting your medications without travelling back and forth?   Or is there a way to buy a one year supply to take with me?  What are my options here?   Hope this is the correct forum-

What country do you get your medicine and care in now?

You should be able to get medication at almost any pharmacy in South Africa as long as you have a prescription. If you don't have one for all 12 months I would recommend seeing a GP in South Africa. You should be able to get a prescription pretty easily as well as a physician to do your lab work.

Medication from the pharmacy can be paid for cash and is a fraction of the cost in the US (under $100 per month on average).

All the best in South Africa. Great place


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